Transportation Model In The Revitalization Of Segiri Stadium, Samarinda City

  • Tukimun Faculty of Engineering, 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda University, Samarinda 75123, Indonesia (ID)
  • Viva Oktaviani Faculty of Engineering, 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda University, Samarinda 75123, Indonesia (ID)
Keywords: Transportation Model, Revitalization, Segiri Sports Hall, Samarinda

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Samarinda Segiri Stadium area is one of the landmarks of Samarinda City. The condition of the Segiri Stadium area over time is getting shabby and unkempt. As one of the strategic areas of the city, the Samarinda City Government plans to revitalize the Segiri Stadium area. With the revitalization of the Segiri Stadium area, it will have an impact on existing transportation conditions. This study will model the transportation conditions in the area. The method used in this analysis is the MKJI 1997 method and modeling with Vissim software. The results of the analysis of the need for Parking Space Units (SRP) based on the Decree of the Director General of Land Transportation Number: 272/HK.105/DRJD/96 required as many as 2,148 SRP passenger car units. Analysis of unsignalized intersections in existing conditions (year 2022) LOS conditions are in the range of A to C which means the conditions are still safe. Modeling in 2030 the signalized intersection conditions are at LOS between A and D, which means there is already the potential for congestion. Analysis of signalized intersections in existing conditions (year 2022) the LOS conditions of the intersection are in the range of D to F, which means that congestion occurs in existing conditions. Modeling in 2030, LOS conditions are in the E to F range, which means that congestion is getting worse with a queue length value of more than 100 meters. Severe congestion occurs at the Dishub intersection and the Abul Hasan intersection. The results of the road section performance analysis show the LOS value between D to F, which means that it has experienced congestion. Modeling in 2030 shows LOS conditions in D to F conditions, which means that conditions are increasingly congested. Recommendations for these problems are to rearrange the traffic light phase cycle, remove side obstacles to improve the performance of sections and intersections, conduct traffic engineering and utilize Internet of Thing (IoT) technology.


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How to Cite
Tukimun, T., & Oktaviani, V. (2023). Transportation Model In The Revitalization Of Segiri Stadium, Samarinda City. Journal of Applied Science, Engineering, Technology, and Education, 5(2), 210-218.